Distinguish features of a sentence (e.g. capitalization of first word, ending punctuation, commas, quotation marks)
Identify and read at least 300 high frequency words from a commonly used list
Decode words with common spelling patterns
Comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies
Use ideas (illustrations, titles, topics, sentences, key words and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions
Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making corrections and adjustments when that understanding breaks down (identifying clues, using background knowledge, generating questions, rereading a portion aloud)
Read aloud grade level texts with fluency and understanding (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.
Understand new vocabulary when reading and writing
Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning words
Identify and use common words that are opposite (antonyms) or similar (synonyms) in meaning
Alphabetize a series of words
Use a dictionary or glossary to find words
Describe main characters in works of fiction including the traits
Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction
Distinguish between biography and autobiography
Read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of the reading by paraphrasing what the reading was about while maintaining meaning
Describe order of events or ideas in a text
Follow multi-step directions
Use common graphic features to assist in the interpretation of text (captions, illustrations)
Recognize different purposes of media (informational, entertainment)
Understand and identify main idea and topic of text or visual media
Written and Oral Communication
Use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing) to compose text
Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (brainstorming, drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas)
Develop drafts by sequencing ideas through writing sentences
Revise drafts by adding or deleting words, phrases or sentences
Edit drafts for grammar, punctuation and spelling using a teacher developed rubric
Publish and share writing with others
Write brief stories that have a beginning, middle and end
Speak in complete sentences with subject/verb agreement
Ask questions with appropriate subject/verb conversion
Form upper and lower case letters in text using basic conventions of print including spacing between words and sentences
Begin to use cursive handwriting
Word Study
Spell grade level words accurately
Alphabetize a series of words
Recognize features of a sentence
Recognize rhyming words and orally generate a series of rhyming words
Capitalize letters for the first words in sentences, names of people and animals, months, days, holidays, places, personal titles, and titles of works
Identify statements, questions, commands, and exclamatory sentences
Recognize and use punctuation marks at the end of sentences (declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative)
Identify and use nouns (singular/plural, common/proper)
Identify and use verbs (actions, past, present, future)
Identify and use adjectives
Capitalize the pronoun I
Identify and use pronouns (subject and predicate)
Distinguish between long and short vowels
Identify and read common compound words
Spell simple contractions using apostrophes
Identify parts of a letter
MATH Numbers and Numeration
Identify mathematics in everyday situations
Identify the place and value of the digits of a number up to 1,000
Identify ordinals (first-thirtieth)
Identify odd and even numbers
Skip counting (2s, 5s, 10s to 100)
Use models to compare fractions
Operations and Computation
Recall and apply basic addition and subtraction facts (to 18)
Model addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with objects, pictures, words and numbers
Show equivalent representations for whole numbers by using addition and subtraction facts
Select addition or subtraction to solve problems using two-digit numbers, whether or not regrouping is necessary
Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar
Use various estimating techniques and rounding of whole numbers to the nearest 100
Fact families (sums to 18)
Problem Solving
Solve problems with guidance that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness (addition and subtraction)
Select an appropriate problem solving plan or strategy (draw a picture, make a table, look for a pattern, systematic guess and check, act it out, work a simpler problem, work backwards, etc)
Justify his/her thinking using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology
Data and Chance
Construct picture and bar-type graphs
Generate questions, collect, and organize data to address questions and draw conclusions on both picture and bar-type graphs
Read and interpret graphs and tables to identify main ideas, draw conclusions, and make predictions
Use data to describe events as more likely or less likely such as drawing a certain color crayon from a bag of seven red crayons and three green crayons
Measurement and Reference Frames
Money (penny, nickel, dime,quarter, and dollar)
Estimate and measure length using standard and nonstandard units
Read a thermometer to gather data
Tell time to the nearest one-minute interval on a digital clock and the nearest five-minute interval on an analog clock
Describe activities that take approximately one second, on minute, and one hour
Describe attributes (the number of vertices, faces, edges, sides) of two and three-dimensional geometric figures such as circles, polygons, spheres, cones, cylinders, prisms, and pyramids, etc…
Use attributes to describe how 2 two-dimensional figures or 2 three-dimensional geometric figures are alike or different
Predict what new shapes will be formed by combining or cutting apart existing shapes
Functions and Algebra
Find patterns in numbers such as in a 100’s chart
Use patterns in place value to compare and order whole numbers through 999
Use patterns and relationships to develop strategies to remember basic addition and subtraction facts. Determine patterns in related addition and subtraction number sentences (including fact families)
Use patterns to predict (color, shape, size, etc)
Sort, classify and order by two or more attributes
Determine patterns in changes that are predictable
Write equations using symbols (+, -,=, < and >)
SCIENCE Matter and Interactions
Observe (firsthand or from media) different states of matter, and how many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending on temperature
Plan and conduct an investigation to determine the effect of heating or cooling a substance
Identify and discuss how heating and cooling are important to everyday life
Observe, describe, compare, and sort rocks by size, shape, color, and texture
Observe, compare, describe, and sort components of soil by size,texture, and color
Gather evidence of how rocks, soil, and water help make useful products
Distinguish between natural and man-made resources
Plants and Animals
Living and Nonliving
Parts of Plants:
a.Observe changes that are part of a simple life cycle of a plant: seed, seedling, plant, flower, and fruit
Plants grow and change:
Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow
Make observations to construct an evidence -based account of how plants depend on animals for pollination or to move their seeds around
Classifying animals
Animal survival
Earth and Space
Discuss how God calls us to be good stewards of the Earth and to shape the natural world wisely
Observe and describe physical properties of natural sources of water including color and clarity
Identify and describe a variety of natural sources of water including streams, lakes, and oceans
SOCIAL STUDIES Going to School
Rules and Procedures
School Workers
School Maps
Schools Long Ago and Today
Learning Around the World
Rules and Laws
Recognize important customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles contributing to our national identity such as: United States and State Pledges of Allegiance and patriotic songs
Who Are Our Leaders?
Our Country’s Presidents
American Symbols
Rights and Responsibilities
Locate places of significance on a map such as: Texas state capital, major cities in Texas, United States capital, and countries that border the United States
Land and Water
Globes and Maps
Natural Resources
All About People
Culture: Describe the major contributions that important people made to shape the community, state, and nation
Understand the historical significance of landmarks and celebrations in the community, state, and nation
Describe and explain the significance of national celebrations (Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Christmas, and Thanksgiving)
Explain the significance of monuments and government buildings in the community, state, and nation
Explain the concept of time and chronology by describing the order of events using historical and present time
Understanding and applying the meaning of the words past, present, and future
Creating and interpreting timelines
Explore how various sources provide information about the past
Understand how historical figures shaped our community, state, and nation
Jobs People Do
Understand the value of work as it relates to providing income to purchase needs/wants and goods/services