Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation
Write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in compositions
Form upper and lowercase letters using basic conventions of print
Capitalize the first letter in a sentence
Use punctuation at the end of a sentence
Write letters in sequence
Use proper spacing between letters, words, and sentences
Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling
Use letter sound correspondence to spell consonant vowel consonant words
Write first and last name using correct form of letters
Listening and Speaking
Follow oral directions that involve a short related sequence of events
MATH Our math program in Kindergarten focuses on the broad areas of numbers/operations, algebra, geometry, data analysis/probability, measurement, and problem solving. Our Kindergarten students are introduced to the world of math through hands on manipulatives and using step by step procedures. Integrating mathematics into the students daily lives is an essential goal of this program.
Numbers and Operations
Identify Numbers 0-31
Comparing Numbers
Verbal and Symbolic Representation for Numbers 0-31
Ordinal Numbers with 1st-10th
Addition with Sums up to 10
Subtraction with 10 as the Total Odd and Even Numbers
Ten Frame Place Value Tens Ones Fractions
Equal and Unequal Parts Whole, Half, Fourths
Counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100
Counting by 2’s to 10
Patterns, Shape, Color, Size, Sound/Movement
Positional Words
Sorting, Color, Size, Shape, 2D and 3D Shapes
Identify and sort 2D and 3D geometric shapes according to their attributes
Roll, Stack, and Slide with 3D Shapes
Data Analysis and Probability
Tally Marks and Tally Charts
Graphing Picture Graphs Pictographs Bar Graphs
Probability - More Likely, Equally Likely, Less Likely
Measure with Standard and Nonstandard Units Capacity
Compare and Order by Size, Length, Height, and Weight
Sequence of Events
Calendar Seasons and/or Weather
Telling Time to the Hour and the Half Hour
Money Identify Value of Each Coin
Problem Solving
SCIENCE The Science program in Kindergarten focuses on the broad areas of forces/interaction, energy, molecules to organisms, earth’s systems, and earth and human activity. Our Kindergarten students are introduced to the world of science through the Kindergarten garden and themed units throughout the year.
Motion and Stability
Forces and Interactions
Push and Pull
Observe and record the ways that objects can move such as in a straight line, zig zag, up and down, back and forth, round and round, and fast and slow
Compare Patterns of Movement of Objects
Sliding, Rolling, Spinning
Describe the change in location of an object such as closer to, nearer to, and farther from.
Describe the location of an object in relation to another such as above, below, behind, in front of, and beside
Explore the interaction between magnets and various materials
Observe and record the effect of sunlight on the Earth’s surface
Molecules to Organisms
Structures and Processes
Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow
Parts of a Plant
Plant Needs
Make Observations with the Kindergarten Garden
Life Cycle of a Plant
Five Senses
Sort by Size, Shape, and Color
Earth’s Systems
Weather Tools for Weather Observation
Wind Vane
Rain Gauge
4 Seasons
SOCIAL STUDIES The Social Studies program in Kindergarten focuses on the broad areas of culture, history, geography, government, economics, and citizenship. Our Kindergarten students are introduced to the world of social studies through taking responsibility for citizenship roles in the classroom, home, and community.
Identify self by full name, date of birth, phone number, and address.
Draw a self and family portrait.
Similarities and Differences
Customs, Traditions, Beliefs, and Values
Name of School, Teacher, and Students
Identify the flag of the United States and Texas.
Identify the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas
Become aware of attending a Catholic School and the meaning of Catholic Schools Week
Identify everyday and historical people that shaped the following: City, State, Nation
List historical events in chronological order using words such as before, after, first, and last
Discuss the importance and customs of our national patriotic holidays such as President’s Day, Veterans Day, Independence Day
Locate and identify the following places in which the student lives on a map - City, State, Country
Identify the physical characteristics of a place such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather
Authority Figures
Explain how authority figures make and enforce laws
Describe laws that serve to protect individual rights
Needs and Wants
Community Helpers
Economics with the Kindergarten Garden
Self Producing
Identify and describe jobs in the: home, classroom, community