Grades 5 – 8 will create a spiritual bouquet to be presented to priests at the Masses that weekend.
Younger grades will color pictures or write thank you notes to priests which will be fashioned into a bouquet or picture and presented at the Masses.
National Vocation Awareness Week
November 6-12, 2016
Adopt a Religious – families will receive prayer cards with current seminarians’ and religious formation canditates’ pictures & a vocation prayer
Adoration for Vocations – students will have the opportunity to spend a few minutes with the Blessed Sacrament in the Campus Chapel during the week
Catholic Schools Week – Vocation EXPO
January 29-February 4, 2017
Grades 3-8 will have the opportunity to spend time with representatives of various vocations. Speakers will be announced at a later date, but will include a priest and/or a seminarian, a religious sister, a married couple, and a single lay person or a married person serving a lay apostolate.